Shout out to Thrifting! Not only is it endlessly fascinating to find and learn about these new-old treasures but it’s also brought me some interesting new friends and an excuse to get away from my desk! I even volunteer at Estate Sales now and have a small showcase at an Antique Mall - where I sell some of my finds. I am grateful to this weird little side-hustle thing as it’s really, unexpectedly, helped me through the past couple of years- more mentally than financially! LOL. Still, <3 it! Thanks, Thrifting!
Character play
I made a little plushie Donut and gave him a couple of fun hats (and a photoshop) wig to wear! YAY!! Sewing him so much fun. I have no experience sewing other than a few “sock dogs” I made back in the nineties. I’m kind of proud of my silly little donut. And now, sewing little critters doesn’t seem so daunting! I went crazy and made another one too but she didn’t get animated. Which, by the way…was another feat! I so seldom “animate” that even the simplest animated gif is quite an accomplishment! I’m literally posting this here in case I never figure out how to remake it as a video or convert it so I can post it Instagram.
**This little character, named Coco Moloko was created for the “Character Play Bootcamp” course I’m taking through Make Art that Sells . Instructors: Zoe Tucker, Riley Wilkinson and Lilla Rogers
It's Pumpkin Party Time!
Hey! Hi!
I’ve been playing around with pattern lately and I’m having so much fun learning how to make repeat patterns and thinking about things a little differently. Hopefully, I’ll be developing some new design muscles!
As a result, I’vet opened a Redbubble (Print on Demand) account to test out how these new designs might look on product. Also, it would be so great to make a little passive income. I mean, riiiiight!?! Soooo, if you’re in the need of a Pumpkin-themed sleeveless shirt for your kid’s class Halloween Party … I gotchoo right here!! There are many other options too…plus, lots more designs and much more to come! Please, come check it out and let m know what you think! I’d love the feedback!
Nifty and Thrifty (Over Fifty!)
I recently joined a facebook group where people share their latest Thrift Store, Estate Sale or Flea Market finds. It’s not quite as fun as actually getting out there and treasure hunting but, it certainly shows the vast and varied interests of people who love to do this sort of thing. Myself included. BTW, I’m going to need to start streamlining my thrifting interests sometime soon or I’m going to need to open an eBay store pretty soon! Which, honestly, is starting to sound like a fun side-hustle. An excuse to thrift!!?!! Yes! Anyway…I digress…
…there are a few women in this group who post pictures of themselves in their thrifted wearables. This woman (below) is particularly fabulous! She thrifts and creates whole-themed ensembles and her poses are fantastic. I just had to draw her!
Happy Cauliflower
Here’s a happy little cauliflower who’s eyebrows remind me of my Grandfather. Is that weird?
Because I could (or because I figured it out)
I’m taking Lila Roger’s Make Art That Sells Children’s Book class and we’ve already generated a ton of work and this is just 2nd week!! As I was creating character emotions in photoshop I decided to see if I could figure out how to do an animated gif. I mean, it’s probably been 10 plus years since I’ve tried! So, here goes…a little rough, not (really) animated and all that. SInce I didn’t really know what to do with it after making it, I decided that here on my blog that no one ever visits is a good place for it. LOL.
draw this in your style challenge- Via The Animated Life
So, there’s this thing on Instagram where artists invite other artists to take a stab at drawing one of their character drawings in “your own style”. This is one of those. Greatly inspired by Amanda MacFarlane -This Animated Life on instagram drawn in my own style. Loved doing it. #drawthisinyourstylechallenge Original is here:
A friendly reminder...
Sometimes we are so laser focused on the tasks at hand that we forget to enjoy the moment. I’ve been busy working on the business of art that I just decided I needed a break to doodle something without pressure and just for fun. As a result, I now have this self-reminder! Don’t forget to skip along the way!
I'm glad we had this talk.
Just a silly little doodle I forgot about.
Get to know…my dogs!
Was doodling my dogs and this happened. I love them so very much, even if they only give me a sliver of the bed to sleep on. #adoptdontshop #rescuedogsareeverything
Sticker Fun!
As I’ve been updating my site and going through files, I realized I never got samples for these lenticular stickers I designed years ago. Ordered on Amazon and a day later, they’re here! Weee. Fun! I used to LOVE lenticular story books when I was a kid so this brings back fond memories.
Blog revival
OK, I never really got far with the blog when I first built this site. Let’s give it another go, shall we?! Here’s just a small snippet from a layout I did for American Girl Magazine. It’s teeny tiny in the magazine so I thought it might be nice to have a closer peek
Another day, another doodle...
always with the doodling.
Oh Hi, new blog!
Hello. Welcome to my brand new blog! Here's a picture of my most wonderful dog, Gracie.
She's a sweet baby!!